I have known about triathlons since I was five. However, there was no 20-year triathlon career that followed – quite the opposite: it took 13 years before I engaged in sports again. Triathlon quickly captivated me anew, especially through events like the Challenge Roth. After consistent athletic development since 2016 and earning my master’s degree in 2019, I asked myself, ‘How fast can I become a full-time athlete?’ Since mid-2019, I have been exploring this question and hope to find many answers. As a child of the Ruhr area, I have a bonus: the pulse of steel. #pulseofsteel

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Ironman 70.3 World Championship

Taupō, New Zealand


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Auf dem Eilande 9 58239 Schwerte Germany
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Die LVM Versicherung steht für hohe Qualität in der Beratung, beim Service und besonders im Schadensfall.

Seit fast 95 Jahren steht die Familie Schulte-Drüfel als kompetenter Ansprechpartner rund um das Thema Versicherungen und Finanzen ihrem großen Kundenstamm mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Nutzen Sie unseren Service und lassen Sie sich von uns Ihren individuellen Versicherungs- und Vorsorgeplan erstellen. Kommen Sie vorbei. Wir beraten Sie gerne zu Ihren individuellen Möglichkeiten.

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Überall dort, wo verpackt, abgefüllt und transportiert wird, kommen Produkte von Murtfeldt Kunststoffe zum Einsatz. Mit Sitz in Dortmund gehören wir zu den weltweit führenden Herstellern von Gleitprofilen, Ketten- und Riemenführungen, Spannsystemen für Ketten und Riemen sowie individuell gefertigten Bauteilen aus technischen Kunststoffen und Hochleistungskunststoffen. Wir entwickeln Lösungen – mit und für unsere Kunden im Maschinenbau sowie in der Antriebs-und Fördertechnik.

Zur Murtfeldt Website

Seit 1892 gibt es exklusive Möbel von Bülles. Fordern Sie uns für Ihren Einrichtungstraum und gestalten Sie mit uns zusammen Ihren Lebensraum, damit Ihr Traum wahr werden kann. Wir sind für Sie da. Wohnen, Essen, Schlafen, Kochen, Arbeiten. Da wo Sie Leben und Arbeiten, möchten wir mit Ihnen Ihren Lebensraum mit topaktuellen Möbeln von top Herstellern gestalten. Oder mit Klassikern. Nur für Sie. Das ist unsere Passion. Ihre Zufriedenheit unser Ziel.

Zur Bülles Website

Lightweight ist eine weltweit führende Marke für hochwertige Radsportprodukte aus Carbon. Entwickelt und produziert werden die Laufräder am Standort Friedrichshafen am Bodensee. Die wichtigste Produktgruppe der Premiummarke Lightweight sind hochspezialisierte, in Handarbeit gefertigte Rennradlaufräder aus Carbon, die weltweit als die Marktreferenz in Sachen Technologie, Innovation und Funktionalität gelten. Lightweight ist eine Marke der international tätigen carbovation GmbH.

Zur Lightweight Website

The Omius story started in 2013, when Gustavo Cadena was studying in Monterrey, Mexico. He was overheating due to the extreme hot conditions in the city and started to look at his research as an opportunity to address his thermal discomfort.

After countless hours of building prototypes involving thermoelectric modules, he finally found (what he thinks is) the most efficient way of cooling the human body. He developed a material specially designed to cool the human skin, by acting as a heat sink and imitating the way we currently cool machines like computers or engines.

The Omius headgear is the first step in applying this new technology. More applications are on their way, following our mission to help humans adapt to an increasingly warmer planet.

to the Omius website

We don’t just sell a product, we live and love this sport – intensively. Our bikes and our accessories are selected with expertise and heart. For us, it’s not about selling the most expensive product, but rather giving our customers the best possible advice and selecting the right model. Our bike fitting doesn’t end with a recommendation. We have almost everything on site and in stock to convert or equip your bike.
With currently around 800 fitting appointments per year, Fritz Buchstaller is one of the most sought-after bike fitters, and not just when it comes to triathlon. His regular customers include numerous professional athletes and countless hobby riders of all levels.

to the Buchstaller website

At SCOTT , cycling is part of our life. Guided by innovation, technology and design, we develop some of the best bikes, apparel and equipment for you. Ridden by the best athletes in the world. SCOTT Sports is a leader in the development, manufacturing, sales and marketing of high end performance products intended for biking, wintersport, motosport and running. Innovation, technology and design are the essence of SCOTT products and the vision of our engineers and designers. SCOTT Sports pushes the limits of innovation, technology and design to develop some of the best bikes, ski, running and motosports equipment.

TEAM ZOOT ist eine Familie von gleichgesinnten Athleten aus den USA und Europa. Seit 2008, ist TEAM ZOOT das, was es bedeutet ein Triathlet zu sein: TEAM ZOOT ist Ohana – eine Familie.

Zoot Sports entwickelt seit 30 Jahren innovative Produkte, die den Athleten vom Start bis zum Ziel und vom Kopf bis zum Fuß begleiten und unterstützen sollen. Zoot Sports stattet die Athleten mit Kleidung, Wetsuits, Schuhen und Zubehör aus.

Zur Zoot Website

The LVM Insurance Company is known for its outstanding professionalism and quality of its personal consulting services, especially in times of hardship.
For almost 95 years the Family Schulte-Drüfel has been a proficient partner within the insurance and finances market. Our ability to service our clients both large and small, has won us many accolades within the local and wider community. We are always there for questions and any help. We cordially invite you to visit our office and meet with us in person at a time convenient with you.

to the LVM website

Murtfeldt products are used in all situations requiring packaging, filling, and transport systems. The Dortmund-based company is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of slide profiles, chain and belt guides, chain tensioners, and custom machine parts made from abrasion-resistant glide-enabling plastics. We create products with and for our customers of many different industry sectors.

to the Murtfeldt website

Since 1892 Bülles has provided exquisite furniture from some of the finest designer brands. Let us help you turn your dream of a perfect living space into reality and create a relaxing oasis that you would be proud of. Our professional room stylists can help you. Living, Eating, Sleeping, Cooking, Working. Wherever you live or work we want to design the perfect setting with the latest furniture from the highest quality from the best manufacturers in the industry. Or choose from classic design icons. That’s our passion. Your satisfaction is our ultimate goal.

to the Bülles website

Lightweight is a world leading brand for high quality carbon cycling products. The wheels are developed and produced at the Friedrichshafen site on Lake Constance. The most important product group of the premium brand Lightweight are highly specialized, handmade road wheels made of carbon, which are considered the market reference worldwide in terms of technology, innovation and functionality. Lightweight is a brand of the internationally active carbovation GmbH.

to the Lightweight website

TEAM ZOOT is a family of like-minded athletes from around the USA and Europe. Established in 2008, TEAM ZOOT represents what being a triathlete is all about: TEAM ZOOT is about Ohana – a family.
Zoot Sports, a global leader in endurance sports, is 100% focused on providing the athlete with the ultimate in performance apparel, wetsuits, footwear and accessories. For 30 years, we have been pioneering innovative product solutions that cover the athlete from start to finish and head to toe.

to the Zoot website